
There are a variety of visualisation tools available in PySLM. These are designed to interrogate the scan paths or vectors generated by the PySLM algorithms or machine build files that are generated by other build-processor software. Generally, any 3D geometry generated and stored via trimesh can be trivially visualised in 3D (provided that the pyglet library is installed). Likewise, Part can be plotted from the geometry attribute.

import pyslm
import numpy as np

# Create a part
solidPart = pyslm.Part('myFrameGuide')

# Generally, any trimesh objects can be visualised in 3D

# Create a trimesh object
solidTrimeshPart = trimesh.load_mesh('../models/frameGuide.stl')

The remaining visualisation tools are designed to visualise the scan paths or vectors generated by the PySLM algorithms. The visualisation tools are intended to be straightforward to use for visualising the scan vectors and additional properties across a layer. The functionality builds upon the primitives provided in the pyslm.geometry module, therefore the user should ensure any scan paths conform to this structure. Nevertheless, other functions exist for visualising geometry paths.

There are numerous visualisation tools available in the pyslm.visualise module. The plot() function is the main technique for plotting scan paths. The function takes a Layer object as input and a set of arguments to control its behavior. The plot function can be used to visualise the three layer geometry types:

The plotting functionality can be controlled by the additional arguments, which can be used to indicate the scan order and directionality of the vectors:

  • plot3D - A boolean flag to plot the layer in 3D

  • plotOrderLine - A boolean flag to plot the order of the hatch vectors

  • plotArrows - A boolean flag to plot the arrows on the scan paths

Using the pyslm.visualise.plot() function, the order of scanning for the hatch region can be displayed by setting the parameter (plotOrderLine=True) and arrows can be enabled by setting the parameter plotArrows to True. The order of scanning is indicated by the color map for the hatch vectors. The most simplest demonstration can be carried out on a unit-square border, without any hatch infill, as shown:

import numpy as np
import pyslm.visualise
import pyslm.geometry as geom

# Create a layer
layer = geom.Layer()

# Create a contour geometry
contourGeom = geom.ContourGeometry(mid = 1, bid = 1)
contourGeom.coords = np.array([[0.,0.],

# Add the contour to the geometry

hatchGeom = geom.HatchGeometry()
hatchGeom.mid = 1 = 2
hatchGeom.coords = np.array([[0.1, 0.1], [0.9, 0.1], # Hatch Vector 1
                             [0.1, 0.3], [0.9, 0.3], # Hatch Vector 2
                             [0.1, 0.5], [0.9, 0.5], # Hatch Vector 3
                             [0.1, 0.7], [0.9, 0.7], # Hatch Vector 4
                             [0.1, 0.9], [0.9, 0.9]  # Hatch Vector xw5

# Append the layer geometry to the layer

# Plot the Layer
handle = pyslm.visualise.plot(layer, plot3D=False, plotOrderLine=True, plotArrows=True)
Plotting border and hatch vectors for L-PBF in PySLM using the plot function

The return argument from the function provides a handle to the plot, which can be used to modify the plot further. The handle is a tuple containing the figure and axis objects from the matplotlib library. This can be passed as argument into subsequent plotting functions to overlay additional information.

The pyslm.visualise.plotSequential() is a similar function to the plot() function, but is focused on plotting the scan paths in a sequential order in time and additionally presenting the any scan jumps.

# Plot using the plot sequential function
pyslm.visualise.plotSequential(layer, plotJumps=True, plotArrows=True)
Plotting path in sequential order for L-PBF in PySLM using the plotSequential function

Plotting Additional Data

It is possible to use a Python lambda function to include additional data stored within each BuildStyle corresponding to the Model for each set of scan paths. Ensure that each LayerGeometry has a corresponding set of BuildStyles in the Model when passing it to the lambda function. The lambda function must return a corresponding array equivalent to the size of the scan vectors. The following example demonstrates how to plot the laser id for the layer geometry.

def plotLaserId(models, hatchGeom):
    buildStyle = pyslm.analysis.utils.getBuildStyleById(models, hatchGeom.mid,
    return np.tile(buildStyle.laserId, [int(len(hatchGeom.coords)/2),1])

(fig, ax) = pyslm.visualise.plot(layers[0], plot3D=False, plotOrderLine=True, plotArrows=False,
                                            index=lambda hatchGeom :plotLaserId(models, hatchGeom) )

Plotting Geometry Paths

Another convenience function is the pyslm.visualise.plotPolygon() function, which can be used to visualise the paths that are generated from a myriad of polygon/path sources. This is especially useful during development of scan-strategies and for visualising slices obtained from 3D meshes. This function can take the following:

  • A list of open/closed paths, each consisting of coordinates

  • A list of shapely.geometry.Polygon objects

  • A list of shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon objects

The excerpt shows how the slice paths can be visualised using the plotPolygon() function.

import pyslm
import pyslm.visualise

# Imports the part and sets the geometry to  an STL file (frameGuide.stl)
solidPart = pyslm.Part('myFrameGuide')

solidPart.origin = [5.0, 10.0, 0.0]
solidPart.rotation = np.array([0, 0, 30])

Perform the slicing. Return coords paths should be set so they are formatted internally.
This is internally performed using Trimesh to obtain a closed set of polygons.
The boundaries of the slice can be automatically simplified if desired.
geomSlice = solidPart.getVectorSlice(z, simplificationFactor=0.1)


The output from the example mesh is shown below

Slicing of mesh part in 3D Printing using PySLM (Python)