Installing the library

There are several ways to get the PySLM source, which lives on github. There are two approaches available for the installation.

Installation directly from source

When you are working on a project in Git, you can use the pyslm github repository. It is useful for having the cloned repository as it allows the user to see and execute the examples within the source tree. From your git repository, use:

git clone

PySLM (version >0.6) and onwards is now source only, and the ClipperLib library originally bundled with PySLM is not required therefore internal compilation via cython is not required. Thus, this simplifies the distribution and installation of PySLM.

Legacy versions of PySLM (version <= 0.5) require compiling directly from source. This requires compiling the code rather than pure vanilla installation of the source. Currently the prerequisites are the cython package and a compliant c++ build environment. In order to compile, it is necessary to have a valid c++ compiler environment depending on the user’s platform and additionally cython in order to compile the ClipperLib module. For Windows this is likely to be MSVC compiler, Linux - GCC/Clang, Mac OS X - Clang.

The compilation of PySLM can be done using the following command

git clone
cd ./pyslm
python install

Installation with PyPI

Installation is currently supported across all platforms on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux environments. The pre-requisites for using PySLM can be installed via PyPi and/or Anaconda distribution. PySLM is solely a source distribution, with all additional dependencies precompiled where possible across all main platforms. The main dependencies are contained within the requirements.txt file, however, the predominant dependencies are those required by Trimesh - the library for loading and manipulating and working with popular mesh formats.

conda install -c conda-forge shapely, Rtree, networkx, scikit-image, cython, trimesh
conda install trimesh

Alternatively, the more common approach is using PyPi to install the dependencies.

Packages are now pre-compiled (inc. build test) using github actions CI for use on a variety of Platforms (Windows 10, Ubuntu, Mac OS X). The pre-compiled packages are securely uploaded directly from github to PyPi repository and should only be installed using PythonSLM package only.

pip install shapely, Rtree, networkx, scikit-image, pyclipr
pip install trimesh

You can download the precompiled binaries as a Python package from PyPI using pip using:

pip install PythonSLM


Historically PySLM package was unavailable for use by the project. The name is secured and for user’s security and to prevent confusion will be retained by the author.

Installation Support Module Dependencies

The support module requires a system with a working implementation of OpenGL 2.1 (available across the majority of platforms and hardware, with adequate driver support). There are subtleties with the implementation but this has been successfully tested across all platforms (Windows 10, Ubuntu, Mac OS X).

Due to the technical complexity of the support module, a number of additional soft dependencies are currently required amongst a working Python OpenGL environment. These are not required for the core functionality of PySLM such as slicing and hatching to provide a maximise accessibility of the library.

The Python OpenGL environment can be installed with the following dependencies:

pip install PyQt5, vispy

The remaining dependencies are required for the support module to function correctly:

pip install triangle, manifold3d, mapbox-earcut

The manifold library provides the boolean CSG operations used for intersecting meshes between the part model and the support structures.

Installing libSLM

libSLM is a c++ support library for the translation (reading and writing) of machine build files commonly used with commercial SLM systems. Potentially the library could be extended to SLA platforms.

The library does not generate the scan vectors used by the machine, rather, merely provides an interface for importing and exporting a collection of layers containing a number of layer geometries containing points, contours and scan vectors. These follow the same predefined structure in ‘pyslm.geometry’ submodule with a few specific exceptions depending on the translator used.


The library does not provide an implementation for generating low-level, specific G-codes used by systems, however, could potentially be implemented as a feature in the future.

Access to these specific translators for exporting to different machine platforms are currently available on request as pre-compiled modules due to sensitivity of working with proprietary formats. The source code of these specific translators used for commercial systems will be made available for research (non-commercial) purposes via requests at the discretion of the author until prior notice.


libSLM is a c++ library for directly interfacing with machine build files used on commercial L-PBF fusion systems.

No strict dependencies are required for compiling libSLM, originally based on the Qt library. This design decision was taken to improve the cross-platform behaviour of the project. Python bindings are generated via pybind, which is automatically pulled in by as sub-module by calling git clone with –recursive.

git clone --recursive
cmake .

Compiler Requirements

libSLM was designed to minimise the number of dependencies to improve the compatibility to integrate into existing software - in particular linking to subroutines used in commercial FEA simulation codes. The underlying library is developed to be compatible on both Windows and Unix systems.

On Unix (Linux)

  • A compiler (GCC, Clang) with C++11 support

  • CMake >= 3.0

On Mac OS X (Intel, Arm64)

  • Install XCode tools to provide the LLVM compiler-chain if this is not already available.

  • Ensure Cmake is installed and available via brew

brew install cmake

On Windows

  • Visual Studio 2015 (required for all Python versions)

  • CMake >= 3.0

During the build process both dynamic and static libraries are generated and these can be statically or dynamically linked respectively within other c++ programs.

Installation: Python Bindings - Compiling from Source

The Python module in libSLM can be generated using python by simply cloning this repository and then running pip install in your python environment. Note the –recursive option which is needed for the pybind11, eigen, and filesystem submodules:

git clone --recursive

After requesting access to the libSLM translators from the author, copy the contents of the Translator directory from the private repository and into the ‘Translators’ folder. Complete the compilation by calling:

With the file included in this example, the pip install command will invoke CMake to build the pybind11 module as specified in CMakeLists.txt and generate a package. A specific version of python is not required provided it is compatible with pybind. During the process The CMake Option flag BUILD_PYTHON will be automatically toggled on during the build phase.