The pyslm.analysis
module provides the user with the ability to analyse the build process associated in
raster-based AM processes such as L-PBF (SLM) or EBM.
Using PySLM, the user can analyse the build process of the build-files generated using PySLM or those produced by external software and imported via libSLM. Provided the structures are in the correct format - refer to the Layer Geometry section, the user can analyse the build process and the laser parameters for analysing the build (e.g. build-time) or for deployment in numerical simulations.
Initially, assume that a part has been sliced and hatched using the hatching
module, creating suitable
and Model
features defining the geometry per layer
and it is associated laser-parameters used in the process.
A simple example showing how to iterate across a part using the analysis.Iterator classes
import numpy as np
import pyslm
import pyslm.visualise
import pyslm.geometry
import pyslm.analysis
from pyslm import hatching as hatching#
# Imports the part and sets the geometry to an STL file (frameGuide.stl)
solidPart = pyslm.Part('inversePyramid')
solidPart.rotation = [0, 0.0, 45]
# Create a StripeHatcher object for performing any hatching operations
myHatcher = hatching.BasicIslandHatcher()
# Set the base hatching parameters which are generated within Hatcher
myHatcher.hatchAngle = 10
myHatcher.volumeOffsetHatch = 0.08
myHatcher.spotCompensation = 0.06
myHatcher.numOuterContours = 1
# Set the layer thickness
layerThickness = 0.04 # [mm]
# Perform the slicing. Return coords paths should be set so they are formatted internally.
#myHatcher.layerAngleIncrement = 66.7
#Perform the hatching operations
print('Hatching Started')
layers = []
# Create an individual part for each sample
model = pyslm.geometry.Model()
model.mid = 1 = "Sample {:d}".format(1)
bstyle = pyslm.geometry.BuildStyle()
focus=0, power=200.0,
pointExposureTime=80, pointExposureDistance=50,
layerId = 1
for i in range(2)
z = i*layerThickness
# Typically the hatch angle is globally rotated per layer by usually 66.7 degrees per layer
myHatcher.hatchAngle += 66.7
# Slice the boundary
geomSlice = solidPart.getVectorSlice(z)
# Hatch the boundary using myHatcher
layer = myHatcher.hatch(geomSlice)
for geom in layer.geometry:
geom.mid = 1 = 1
# The layer height is set in integer increment of microns to ensure no rounding error during manufacturing
layer.z = int(z*1000)
layer.layerId = layerId
model.topLayerId = layerId
layerId += 1
print('Completed Hatching')
Once the structures containing the LayerGeometry
features, the analysis can be performed. The
functionality is provided by the ScanIterator
class. This class is used to iterate across the
layers and the laser parameters. Create the ScanIterator
based on the laser parameters
and geometries specified, the iterator will process the structure and calculate the timings across all layers.
Additional information include the recoaterTime
can be specified for this calculation.
For discretising the interpolator functions whilst iterating across each scan vector, the
can be specified.
Other useful metrics are cached such as the total build time via getBuildTime()
and the number of layers within the build. This takes into account of the intrinsic information such as laser
and jumpSpeed
totalBuildTime = scanIter.getBuildTime()
print('Total number of layers: {:d}'.format(len(layers)))
print('Total Build Time: {:.1f}s ({:.1f}hr)'.format(totalBuildTime, totalBuildTime/3600))
Scan Iterator
behaves as a native python iterator, so that exposure information across time
may be collected incrementally using pythonic notation. Ensure that the scan-iterator is reset to the beginning at
time=0 by using a small time value
. The iterator will interpolate the laser parameters
based on the timestep
set to a suitably small value, based on the minimum scan-speed.
This is useful for plotting the current state of the laser spatially across each layer during the build at a given time. This could similarly reflect those situations encountered in a numerical simulation of the build-process.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(ab[:,0], ab[:,1],[:,2]/np.max(ab[:,2])))
The scan paths can be visualised based on their time or other properties such as the current build-style.

Bear in mind that the iterator will only interpolate linearly across the scan vectors with time. For more complex situations such as the use of pulsed laser modes, a separate iterator class would have to be created.
can be used to seek to a specific layer or time. The iterator will interpolate
the laser parameters inbetween the layers and time. During this, it the iterator will keep track of the current time
and state.
# reset to layer one
print("Current time at layer (1): {:.3f})".format(scanIter.time))
# Seek based on the time
print("Current layer is {:d} @ time = 0.4s".format(scanIter.getCurrentLayer().layerId))
Other information and states can be obtained from the iterator at any current point in time. This is especially useful for collecting and gather information about the current state of the laser and re-coater at time.
# Get the current laser state (position, laser parameters, firing)
laserX, laserY = scanIter.getCurrentLaserPosition()
islaserOn = scanIter.isLaserOn()
bstyle = scanIter.getCurrentBuildStyle()