
pyslm.hatching.getExposurePoints(layer, models, includePowerDeposited=True)

A utility method to return a list of exposure points given a Layer with an associated Model which contains the BuildStyle that provides the point exposure distance or an effective laser speed to spatially discretise the scan vectors into a series of points. If the optional parameter includePowerDeposited is set to True, the laser power deposited in included.


The BuildStyle.pointDistance parameter must be set or this method will fail.

  • layer (Layer) – The layer to process

  • models (List[Model]) – A list of models containing buildstyles which are referenced with the layer’s LayerGeometry

  • includePowerDeposited (bool) – Set to True` to return the calculated power deposited.


Returns a list of coordinates (nx2) in the global domain with an optional power deposited.